Power of Illustrations in Your Novel!

Illustrations are an absolute game-changer for your novel. Here’s why?

1. Improved Imagination: Illustrations infuse life into your words. They guide readers through your world with vivid imagery. Words alone cannot always convey the right set of emotions that you are aiming at.

2. Engagement: The topics which you found difficult to understand in your textbooks without visuals turned super interesting in the book with visuals. Has this happened to you? Visuals, my friend, grab the readers’ attention and exudes emotions. A deeper connection grows between readers and your story.

3. Universal Appeal: Pictures help you and your story to overcome language barriers. Do you want to make your story reaching to the heart of a broader audience? Illustrations would give your stories the much needed universal appeal.

4. An Experience That Stays: A well-executed illustration, that portrays the true essence of the story can leave a long-lasting impression. You will find readers literally recalling your characters long after you created them in your story.

You cannot afford to underestimate the power of illustrations in storytelling. Whether you are writing a children’s book, a fantasy epic, or a thriller novel, allow your imagination flourish on the page!

I discovered the importance of illustrations after my first book THE QUEST OF VERMILLION. My second book, AN UNEXPECTED DETOUR, has many thematic illustrations. It took me a couple of months to work on the illustrations alone. I went for a whole new edition of THE QUEST OF VERMILLION thereafter. When my editor read AN UNEXPECTED DETOUR, she was mesmerized with the illustrations. According to her, they have accentuated the thrill, the twists and turns I have implanted throughout the story. Her words instantly clicked me and I went for a fresh new edition of THE QUEST OF VERMILLION, with a range of illustrations straight from my heart.

If you are apprehensive about incorporating self-made illustrations, hiring a professional illustrator would be a great idea!

Do you want to know about the illustrations in my books? If you feel like exploring the theme of my stories that prompted me to use illustrations, give them a read. If you are curious, why I was so eager to allow my books to reach the heart of readers, or why I was confident that the stories are sure to touch the hearts of my readers, give it a read. They are available on Amazon and Flipkart. I am eager to know your feedback.

And, if you like this post, share it ahead! Hope it helps!

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