Fiction Writing and Planned Breaks Share a Bond

I trust this secret weapon : PLANNED BREAKS.

1. Writers often get lost in the world they are creating. We plunge deep into the characters and the plot intricacies. But, will you believe me if I say that stepping away from work at planned intervals could actually enhance the storytelling? I am sure every writer must have felt this.

2. I am not talking about giving yourself a breather. It is the break to allow ideas to marinate, characters to evolve, and the plot to reveal naturally. These are not just pauses. They have always provided me the space for inspiration to strike, resulting in breakthrough moments that have accentuated my narrative.

3. Allow me to share with you that some of my most creative moments occur when I least expect them—during a walk, while enjoying my coffee in a cozy cafe, or even gazing out of the window while travelling. These moments have allowed my imagination to wander freely, sprouted fresh ideas and refined the existing ones.

3. Recharging the creative batteries or deliberate pauses to get a new perspective, planned breaks are needed to nurture a writer’s soul. Accept them as part of the process, and watch your stories flourish. I have experienced this during my journey as a writer.

4. It is vital to prioritize your well-being alongside the craft. I am sure you all will agree that planned breaks, exploring the world around, have helped us return to our writing desks with reinforced vigor and writing inspiration.

Let me know if you resonate! Connect with me on my social media handles. I would love to interact over a DM.

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