On the road to level up!

Secret to grow as a writer! Well, it’s quite the same as every other creative field…UPSKILL. As writers, we all want our writing to grow form good to extraordinary. So, what is the trick to captivate the readers to each of your sentences? All it needs is upskilling.

  1. What’s the goal: Exploring a different genre or promoting our work, writers need to have a clear picture of their goals.
  2. Avid reading: This helps to expand and broaden the reading list. This also gives an insight about style, voice and techniques of writing.
  3. Courses and workshops: Courses and workshops are important to enhance the skill set and get hands on feedback. Writers get opportunities to explore the new avenues in the field of writing. Attending courses would also help in continued learning.
  4. Feedback is motivation: I enjoy participating in writing groups. This helps me to be a part of discussions, which in turn, helps me to know the perspective of others and to stay motivated.
  5. Writing is practice: Yes, writing upgrades a lot through practice. The writing prompts have helped me a lot to challenge myself daily. This also helps me in dealing with writer’s block.
  6. Editing: Editing is a must-have armor for a writer. Editing is a skill that helps in recognizing and working on errors. Learning this skill helps writers to polish their writing.
  7. Embracing the trends: Like every other industry, the publishing world is also evolving. Following the trend, helps a writer to understand the preferences of the readers and the trending genres. I follow several magazines and newsletter. It is indeed very helpful.

Well, these are only a few ways to upskill as a writer. There more such ways in which a writer can upskill and grow in writing career which I would love to share in my next blog article.

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