Weaving powerful tales in today’s digital age

Storytelling is a timeless and universal art that has evolved and made its way through varied cultures and generations. It is a form of creative expression just like painting, craft, music, and dance, etc. which tap into the human experience, evoke emotion, and conveys deeper truths.

Narrative: The narrative is inevitably the heart of storytelling. A compelling narrative can be successfully crafted through imagination, creativity, and skill. So, what does a storyteller do? A storyteller weaves together elements like characters, plot, setting, background and a unique flow to create a compelling story.

Provoking an emotional response: The pace, the characters, the well-planned unfolding of the plot, a storyteller uses all of them to make readers or listeners feel joy, thrill, chills, sorrow, fear, anger, resentment, dejection and excitement.

 Conveying a theme or message: Storytelling is not only for mere entertainment, but also to express a thought-provoking message – not overly preachy ones. That equips a story with depth and a broader significance.

 Captivating an audience: Storytelling requires great skill and artistry. As a storyteller, an individual must own a deeper understanding of what resonates with the audience and how to present their story in a compelling and relatable way. It’s important to draw readers into the background of the story and make them empathize with the characters.

Innovation: The storytellers need to push their creative boundaries and find innovative ways to tell their stories. This includes evaluating the narratives, creating unique characters that seem very real, exploring unconventional genres, studying the emerging literary trends or discovering new horizons.

As I was working on my first solo book , I realized that storytelling is way more than just relaying of events. Word after word, through the lines and the paragraphs, through the imagery and the backdrop, all I tried to learn and implement was the creation of a narrative that resonates with the readers.

Writing and storytelling is a process of continuous learning and creating new worlds through the stories.

That’s one of my takes as I stride along my writing journey….https://www.amazon.in/dp/9395568402?ref=myi_title_dp

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