Writer’s block? Here’s how I tackled mine…

Long time, no see!

Writer’s block! Well, I face it as well….I’m sure all my writer friends would resonate….Through this article, I would love to share some ways in which I handle my writer’s block. Few may work for you, few may not…But, I have got immense benefits from these strategies…..

We writers just require patience to go through it and utilize a strategy that works best for us individually…

That much needed break to clear the mind:

Inspiration strikes when we least expect it. Taking short breaks from writing for a while, engaging in a different activity or going for a walk to give ourselves a mental break works well.

A shift in environment:

The constant stare at a blank page or a computer screen, can contribute to writer’s block. Moving to a different room, going to a coffee shop, or spending time in the lap of nature can stimulate creativity. The time I spend amidst nature infuses all the creativity back into me again.

From Unmanageable Project to Manageable Chunks:

Once a friend and an aspiring writer confessed she started writing but couldn’t complete it as she felt that she is not getting a vision of the plot ahead. Well, what I follow myself is… I break down my writing project into manageable chunks and focus on completing one part at a time. I make it a point to celebrate each milestone, as it motivates me to keep going. Once a follower commented regarding the celebration part, “This cover picture with your published book in hand looks like an obsession.” Well, such obsession, would propels me forward each time I go sluggish.

Allow thoughts to flow freely without judgement:

There are days when I write continuously for 20 to 30 minutes without worrying about grammar, spelling, or coherence. This fills in new ideas in my mind and at the end of this exercise, I get rid of the feeling of being stuck.

Outlining to visualize:

This step particularly helps me when I feel stuck. Visualizing the structure, the road map, filling in appropriate details as per the structure give me clarity and direction when I need them the most.

Distractions at bay, mindfulness ahead:

Identifying the interruptions, distractions help to redirect focus. The practice of mindfulness calms the mind and creates an environment that is conducive to writing.

Being surrounded with sources of inspiration:

And, how this helps? Let me put it together this way…Explore books, articles, or blogs, art, music, or movies that align with your writing project. It’s not that you’re lacking ideas, you just need to trigger new ideas and perspectives. Felt the same?

Breaking the monotony :

Set routines might hamper sprouting of creativity, at times. I tried changing my writing time, writing locations and whoa! It stimulates my creativity surprisingly well. If you have creative eye, being the ring master might aggravate the creative block. Flexibility accentuates creativity instead.

Looking for fresh insights? Talk it out :

A writing partner, a writing group, or seeking feedback from trusted individuals can unlock new perspectives. It works for me, some other strategies might work for you.

I’m sure all my writer friends might be having some great ways to deal with writer’s block. Please feel free to share your valuable insights. I would love to use some new, beneficial tricks and strategies as well.

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